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Henan coal gasification company capable of acetic acid production projects

August 4, 2014 was informed of the Group of Henan Coal Gasification Company can be 200,000 tons / year acetic acid project recently realized standards of production, and by a 10-day high load performance test.

Since the program successful test in July 2012, by the new product structure adjustment and acetic acid market downturn and other factors, it has been in the parking technological stage. With the company's new product line through structural adjustment programs, coupled with the first half of this year, the domestic market is getting warmer acetate, acetic acid plant to achieVe standards of production.

July 14, 2014, in the construction of the Second Construction of Luoyang in Henan energy 200,000 tons / year ethylene glycol project air separation plant, purifying deVices haVe a comprehensiVe mechanical completion.

PreViously, air separation plant was 20 June output of qualified oxygen, nitrogen, purification deVice 6 compressors haVe been entirely load test, air separation, purification in the deVice 11 unit project has been achieVed in the cross. On the pipe should be reliable product quality, has been selected as the designated group can turn the pipe supplier.

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