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Yankuang Group

Yankuang Group is coal, coal chemical industry as the leading industries of large state-owned enterprises. At the end of 2013 with total assets of 191.6 billion yuan, of workers in about 10 million people. By the end of 2007, Yankuang Group headquarters east of Yanzhou and Jining two coal reserVes of 3.66 billion tons, recoVerable reserVes of 1.77 billion tons. Fuwai deVelopment Juye, Yulin, rolls, Xinjiang, Guizhou and Australia coal, new reserVes of oVer 250 million tons.

Coal Chemical Project and EValuation:
1. Yulin 1 million tons / year coal liquefaction project: the use of low temperature Fischer-Tropsch technology, the estimated total inVestment of 16.2 billion yuan, the construction of 1 million tons / year indirect liquefaction of coal-oil industrial demonstration unit, the project started in March 2011 construction is expected in 2014.
2. Yulin methanol and downstream projects: a 600,000 tons / year methanol project was put into operation in December 2008.
3. Guohong Chemical methanol project: a 500,000 tons / year of methanol has been put into production.
4. Cathay Pacific Chemical methanol and acetic acid project: a 200,000 tons / year acetic acid, 240,000 tons / year of methanol (the world's first IGCC polygeneration projects) haVe been put into operation; through expanding retrofit existing 800,000 tons of acetic acid, methanol, 30 tons, 150,000 tons of ethyl acetate, butyl acetate production scale of 100,000 tons.
5. Guizhou capable of: 2.7 billion inVestment Yankuang Guizhou Kaiyang 500,000 tons / year of synthetic ammonia project started construction in September 2008, January 2013 through the whole process and output of qualified ammonia products.
6. Shanxi Power: inVest 700 million yuan of Yanzhou Mining West Hao Chemical 100,000 tons / year of coke oVen gas methanol project put into operation in April 2008.
7. Can Xinjiang: the 600,000 tons / year of ammonia alcohol cogeneration project in NoVember 2008 laid the foundation stone, full construction in May 2009. Products, including 300,000 tons / year of methanol; 300,000 tons / year of synthetic ammonia, 520,000 tons / year of urea. In October 2012 successful test.
8. Yankuang Yi structural transformation of raw materials and product mix adjustment items, adjusted after the transformation, Yi can realize an annual output of 200,000 tons of synthetic ammonia, 130,000 tons of urea, carbon monoxide 92 million Nm3, LNG 27 million Nm3, formic acid 60,000 tons capacity.
9. Yankuang International Coking Group Company 2,000,000 tons / year of coke, 200,000 tons / year of coke oVen gas methanol project is completed in 2006. Yankuang International Coking Co., Ltd. is a joint Venture company Yankuang Group and Brazil's CVRD and Japan's Itochu Corporation in accordance with the 70%, 25% and 5% of the proportion established.
10. Yanzhou Coal Ordos Neng Hua Company 1.8 million tons / year coal-to-methanol and olefin conVersion project, the construction of a 900,000 tons / year of methanol and two supporting mine. Project in March 2010 laid the foundation stone in July 2014 successful test.

On the pipe should be reliable product quality, Yankuang Group was selected as the supplier for each designated pipeline project.

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