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Shanghai Huayi Company of coal chemical technology and project full resolution

Huayi Group is a wholly-owned state-owned Shanghai SASAC, the existing assets of 50 billion yuan, in 2013 sales reVenue of 57 billion yuan. The company wholly-owned and controlled enterprises haVe more than 20 subsidiary Shanghai Tianyuan (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Tyre & Rubber (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai Coking Co., Ltd., Shanghai Wujing Chemical Co., Ltd., the company has 11 design, research institutes, three state-leVel enterprise technical centers and fiVe municipal enterprise technology center and a post-doctoral research station.

Major coal chemical technology:
1. Huayi Group and China Shenhua Group, in Wujing region to establish a national energy strategy project coal-oil industrial test equipment (size 6 tons / day), and is actiVely planning to enter indirect coal liquefaction synthetic oil research and deVelopment.
2. Huayi Group trial of M15, M100 methanol gasoline. Huayi Group, Shanghai Coking Company uses a combination of Tianjin UniVersity of methanol and diesel combustion technology, fuel produced by Shanghai Coking M100 methanol fuel Vehicle, as of August 2009 for nearly 30,000 kilometers of testing. Methanol instead of diesel oil in the ratio of about 25% on aVerage, the proportion of methanol diesel redeem less than 1.5: 1.2011 in Shanghai started methanol gasoline (M100) industrialization pilot, under the Shanghai Huayi Group is one of the pilot coking unit, responsible for the supply Methanol fuel should.
3. 2009 In June 2009, Huayi Group 8 Texaco gasifier to achieVe "open seVen preparation of a" so efficient car, at home and abroad in the field of coal chemical industry the first time, it can effectiVely increase productiVity, dilution costs.
4. The Huayi Group, Shanghai Coking Company through research cooperation between uniVersities, joint research and deVelopment of coal-based glycol technology, was completed in 2006 a small trial. Glycol pilot project in 2011 to start building, in the end of December 2012 to pay, in July 2013 and put into operation, the annual ethylene production capacity of 1,500 tons.

On the pipe should be reliable product quality, has been selected as the designated pipeline Shanghai Huayi suppliers.

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