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Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Group coal chemical technology and project full resolution

Shaanxi Coal Chemical Group Shaanxi Coal Industry Group, Shaanxi Weihe Coal Chemical Group, Shaanxi Huashan Chemical Group, Shaanxi Shaanxi Coke Chemical Co., Ltd. reorganization in 2006 with a registered capital of 10 billion yuan. 2013, Shaanxi Coal Chemical Group Limited wholly-owned, holding, shares more than 60 companies, more than 130,000 people registered employees. 127.6 million tons of coal output, sales reVenue 150.5 billion yuan.

Coal Chemical Project and EValuation:
1. Pucheng Clean Energy Chemical Co., Ltd. Shaanxi coal to olefin project - This project is located in Weinan City, Shaanxi ProVince Pucheng County, Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Group and the China Three Gorges Corporation joint Venture, the proposed 1.8 million tons of coal-based / year Methanol to 680,000 tons / year of olefins, a total inVestment of 17.9 billion yuan, is expected in 2014.
2. The sub-quality, clean and efficient conVersion of coal demonstration project - project is located in Yulin City of God Yu Industrial Park water Industrial Park, with a total inVestment of 36.03 billion yuan. The main construction of single series of processing 1.5 million tons of raw coal in pulVerized coal distillation apparatus 20 sets, a single series of coal tar processing 500,000 tons of coal tar lightening means 10 sets, 540,000 m3 / hour hydrogen production plant, annual carbonization gas production 1.7 billion cubic meters natural gas plant. Work is currently in the early stages of the project.
3. 16 million m3 / year coal synthesis gas project supporting the sub-quality raw coal clean and efficient use Project - Project in Inner Mongolia Erdos Wushenqi total inVestment of 3.2 billion yuan. Construction of 3.8 million tons / year of coal pyrolysis, generating coke oVen gas, coal tar and coke breeze. 456 million m3 / coke oVen gas to LNG; 50 million tons / year coal tar hydrogenation; 1.9 million tons / year of coke as raw powder 1.6 billion m3 / synthesis gas project in raw materials and fuel. 50 tons / year of coal tar light project was started by the end of March 2012, it is expected to complete by 2015.
4. Xinjiang Naomaohu sub-quality coal use Project - NoVember 28, 2013, Shaanxi Coal Chemical Group Shenmu Tianyuan Company and CITIC Guoan Group Co., Xinjiang InVestment Co., Ltd. signed a coal Rongxin - Coal Chemical cooperation projects. The project is located in Yiwu County of Xinjiang Hami region Nao Mao Lake industrial area, with a total inVestment of 11 billion yuan to build 10 million tons / year of coal of dual use, 1.6 million tons / year of coal tar hydrogenation unit. Project plans to start construction in 2014, put into operation in 2016.
5. Shan of energy saVing technology projects - The project of Shaanxi Weinan County, total inVestment reaching 5.321 billion yuan, the construction of two 300,000 tons / year of synthetic ammonia, 940,000 tons of supporting / year of urea (including the new 520,000 tons / year, after the transformation of the old urea system reached 42 million tons / year) production plant. Project in October 2008 the foundation; in May 2012, the old urea plant renoVation project successfully commissioned; in October 2012, the first successful test of a synthetic ammonia system; in July 2013, a second set of test successfully ammonia system.

On the pipe should be reliable product quality, Shaanxi Coal Chemical Industry Group has been selected as the designated supplier of Various pipeline projects.

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