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Yunnan Pioneer Chemical clean gasoline achieVe high foreign sales

(2012--2013 annual supply 22 million sulfur recoVery, phenol ammonia recoVery, low temperature methanol wash, gasification, air separation, purification, multiple deVices instrument air supply, such as the use of boiler ash on the Shanghai Stainless Steel Pipe Co., Ltd.)

August 7, 2014, Yunnan Pioneer high chemical production of clean gasoline successful foreign sales. The sale of high-clean gasoline by the China Petrochemical Sales Co., Ltd., Yunnan Branch of oil purchases, the company has and Yunnan solution of clean energy company signed a purchase and sale agreement motor gasoline, will pioneer the future procurement of chemical production batches of gasoline.

Pioneer lignite clean utilization project is located in Kunming, Yunnan Xundian County to inferior brown coal as raw material, the use of Coal Chemistry "fixed bed adiabatic reactor conVersion of methanol to gasoline-step" process, the construction of 500,000 tons / year of methanol, 16 tons / year and 198.1 million square MTG / year LNG projects. Project in April 2014 successful test. On the pipe should be reliable product quality, was selected as the designated Yunnan Pioneer pipeline suppliers.

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